Monday, February 13, 2012

Salmon with Mango Salsa & Asparagus

Note:  This is a post from my old blog, though I still make this dish all the time!

Just made the most DELICIOUS salmon with mango salsa and asparagus!  I was really craving a healthy meal and my bf surprised me by bringing home the ingredients for this :)  we had a great time making it together and it was really easy.  Here’s the official how-to:

We modified it by sauteing the salmon in a big skillet on medium heat for about 5-6 minutes per side in olive oil after rubbing the salmon w/ a mixture of “spicy lime” seasoning and regular salt.

Three tips:  

1) Fresh salmon from the deli counter will always taste better than frozen.  6-10 oz per person is a good target size (the one i had tonight was 10 oz and i ate the whole freakin thing!)

2) Make sure that you heat up the oil in the pan on medium for about a minute or two before putting the salmon down in the pan so that all of the juice is seared in (don’t just lay down the salmon in cold oil to begin cooking or the salmon will end up more dry at the end b/c the juice will leak out).  This applies to any sort of protein, really.

3) Only flip the salmon once - don’t get too eager or else the salmon won’t cook all the way through.  Wait until you see that it has cooked up PAST the halfway point and don’t worry too much about burning it if you’ve kept your heat on medium or lower.  However, you can *rotate* the salmon in the pan with tongs if the side closest to the center of the skillet is cooking faster than the side closest to the edge of the skillet.  This also goes for any sort of thick protein.

For the asparagus just sautee about 4 big stalks per person in some olive oil w/ salt & pepper (and i added some “spicy lime” seasoning salt too) for like 5-10 mins until slightly tender.

Happy cooking!!
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