Hi darlings, just a quick post to say thank you so much for checking out my little blog!
It means the world to me that I was able to share my new hobby with you. In just one week (Jan 13-20), the blog has gotten 892 page views!!! In Rachel Zoe's words, BA NA NAS! This is crazy, thank you so much!
I would love it if you would please comment on posts and subscribe to the blog via RSS, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, or Email - the icons are on the right hand sidebar of my page :) Let me know if there's another way of following the blog that you would like me to create a button for.
Finally, please let me know if you have any ideas for my content or layout!! I want to make the blog fun for me AND my readers, so let me know what I can do to improve!
Have a great week!
It means the world to me that I was able to share my new hobby with you. In just one week (Jan 13-20), the blog has gotten 892 page views!!! In Rachel Zoe's words, BA NA NAS! This is crazy, thank you so much!
I would love it if you would please comment on posts and subscribe to the blog via RSS, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, or Email - the icons are on the right hand sidebar of my page :) Let me know if there's another way of following the blog that you would like me to create a button for.
Finally, please let me know if you have any ideas for my content or layout!! I want to make the blog fun for me AND my readers, so let me know what I can do to improve!
Have a great week!